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USWAR/German police lift bomb alarm at US embassy in Berlin

 Berlin, March 20, IRNA -- German police lifted a Thursday morning     
bomb alert at the United States embassy in Berlin, media reports said.
    Security forces at the heavily guarded embassy, located in        
downtown Berlin, discovered a mysterious black bag near the compound, 
only hours after the start of an American air raid on Iraq.           
    Police cordoned off nearby streets and called a bomb squad to     
blow up the bag.                                                      
    The bomb squad, using a jet of water, destroyed the bag, however  
it contained only loose papers in it.                                 
    Meanwhile, authorities stepped up security precautions at all     
American, British and Israeli installations across Germany as a       
result of the US war in Iraq.                                         

last Update Thursday, 20-Mar-2003 03:59:45 PST
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